The Animal Health in the Amazon Graduate Program (PPGSAAM) is linked to the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and is located at the University Campus of Castanhal, Federal University of Pará (UFPA). The Program had the Master’s degree approved by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in August of 2008 and the Doctorate level approved in March of 2015. At the time of its creation, PPGSAAM had eight professors, six of whom were tenured and two invited. It currently has a faculty comprised of 16 professors, 12 of whom are tenured and 04 are invited. It is worth mentioning that this program was a pioneer in the basic area of ​​Veterinary Medicine throughout the North Region, the first stricto sensu Graduate Program of the University Campus of Castanhal and the second stricto sensu Graduate Program of UFPA in the countryside of the state of Pará. The Program is composed of an Area of ​​Concentration in Animal Health with the following research lines: "Health-Disease Process in the Animals" and "Public Health and Food Safety".