Program Regiment


Normative Instruction No. 001-2015(revoked)

Regulates the process of accreditation, permanence and accreditation of professors in PPGSAAM


Normative Instruction No. 002-2015(revoked)

Regulates the elaboration of the master's dissertation or doctoral tesis


Normative Instruction No. 003-2015

Regulates the process of equivalence of credits related to curricular activities 


Normative Instruction No. 004-2015(revoked)

Regulates the criteria for homologation of the Disseminates the minimum requirements for the student to request to the Program Collegiate for the defense of his dissertation or thesis of master's or doctoral thesis 


Normative Instruction No. 005-2015(revoked) 

Regulates the criteria for homologation of the Master's dissertation or doctoral thesis 


Normative Instruction No. 001-2016

Regulates the preparation of the Master's dissertation or the doctoral thesis


Normative Instruction nº 001-2017

Regulates the use of Doctoral Credit 


Normative Instruction nº 002-2017

Regulates the accreditation of tenured and Invited professors in PPGSAAM


Normative Instruction No. 001-2018(revoked)
Regulates conditions for re-entry of students in PPGSAAM


Normative Instruction No. 002-2018

Regulates the foreign language proficiency to complete the Master's or Doctorate Course.


Normative Instruction No. 003-2018(Revoked)

Regulates the criteria for distribution of doctoral scholarships


Normative Instruction No. 004-2018

Regulates the minimum requirements for the student to ask the Program College to defend their dissertation or thesis. 


Normative Instruction No. 001-2019

Regulates the criteria for a scholarship for master and doctorate


Normative Instruction No. 002-2019

Regulates the criteria for distribution of doctoral scholarships


Norms for Dissertations/Thesis - Model of ARTICLE


Norms for Dissertations/Thesis - TRADITIONAL Model


General Regiment of  Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses